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Do you capture both pre-click and post-click data?


Pre-Click Data

  • Pre-click data is information that you can glean by running a search on a search engine. To do it in large volumes requires querying search results pages via mechanical means to simulate the user experience.
  • Accuracy requires repeat checks of keywords multiple times daily – monthly checks are not enough and will lead to great inaccuracies.
  • Pre-click data gives us statistics and information, including page rank, frequency (how often does an advertiser appear), who shows up organically or on the paid side, what’s in the ad copy, where does the ad copy link the user (landing pages, redirects, and tracking URLs are discovered from these links), day-parting strategies, geo-targeting strategies, affiliate and reseller presence
  • The Search Monitor is the source of pre-click data for Lighthouse

Post-Click Data

  • Post-click data is information that is gleaned after a click occurs and is typically gathered via panels of users. Accuracy requires large volumes of volunteer users and incredibly powerful extrapolation algorithms to determine traffic volumes from the user set and apply it to the entire population of Internet users.
  • Post-click data provides us with metrics such as click traffic, clickthrough rate, and search volumes. comScore is the source for post-click data.

The combination of pre-click and post-click data allows us to compute complex statistics such as:

  • Ad Spend by Advertiser. Ad spend is a computation of clicks * cost per click. To get the clicks you need post click data, and to accurately assess the probable cost per click you need rank data. To account for how rank changes impact the CPC you need pre-click data.
  • Traffic by Rank. Traffic at various ranks for keywords is important to know so you can plan and predict how slight changes in your bid or rank will impact your share of available traffic. It enables you to determine if it’s better for you to be in position five versus position two. Should you make a big move or not?To get this statistic, we need both pre-click data to interpret the proper rank for each advertiser, and the post-click data to glean the traffic received by each advertiser. By evaluating how each advertiser performs at each rank aggregated as a group, we can provide statistics on how a ranking change will impact your traffic results.

Want to know more? Schedule a demo and we’ll show you how we do it.   Request a Demo

Posted in: Monitoring & Capturing Data