New Release: Shopzilla and Pricegrabber Added to Shopping Monitor

November 08, 2011

Shopping Monitor now includes Shopzilla and Pricegrabber! Shopping Monitor provides competitive share of voice, page share, ratings history, and rank data on sellers and items across Google Products, Shopzilla, and Pricegrabber. Shopping intelligence data is available for the following markets, as supported by each shopping engine: USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, China, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. Reports & Features:

  • Items Report. View items, listing description, rank, price, and shipping offers.
  • Seller Report. View sellers, features like Google Checkout, ratings and reviews.
  • Seller SOV Chart. Chart share of voice statistics for sellers.

Read the Press Release Here: The Search Monitor Adds Shopzilla, Pricegrabber to Shopping Intelligence Tools How to Use Shopping Monitor To use Shopping Monitor, you need to add the desired shopping engines to your campaigns. Go to Campaign Setup –> Edit Campaign –> Select Shopping Engines –> Add Keywords (if needed) –> Click Save Training is available for The Search Monitor clients.

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